Nights Pick Up tab - Groups

The second tab of the Group Stay Main Folio screen is the Nights/Pickup tab. For more information on the other tabs available, see Stay information Overview - Groups.

In an individual Folio, this tab is called Nights.

The Nights/Pickup tab shows the Room Types reserved for each night of the Group block and the stays that have been picked up against the block.  

The Nights section of the tab (on the left) shows the Room Types blocked each night, the rate, number of rooms blocked, number of rooms picked up and the total number of rooms (blocked plus picked up).

The Pick Up section (right side) shows all of the stays that have been picked up against the block. Click on a name listed under the Pick Up section to view or modify that individual stay record.



When selected, the Group Main Folio with the Stay Information tab displayed will open.

Group Main Folio screen

Click on the Nights/Pickup tab to open it. You will see the two sections, Nights and Pick up, both displayed.

Nights Pick Up tab of Group Main Folio screen




Date Updated January 29, 2024